Student Voice and Agency

Student Voice and Agency provides students with the opportunity to develop leadership skills, create community links and have a voice in the culture of their school.

Student Representative Council

Students from year 7-12 are encouraged to join the Student Representative Council and work collaboratively to organise activities to improve our school community and support charities through fundraising activities.

Student Voice

Parkdale Secondary College acknowledges that students have unique perspectives on learning, teaching, and schooling, and should have the opportunity to actively shape their own education.

We engage in Student Voice to:

  • empower teachers and students by gaining feedback on teaching and learning
  • use student feedback to develop challenging, creative and stimulating learning tasks
  • understand how our students engage with learning
  • explore a variety of every-day school issues through regular student focus groups

Elected student representatives also form an integral part of our School Council.

Student Leadership

Students have the opportunity to apply for leadership positions at year 9 and year 12.  Student leaders are the ambassadors of our school and are selected through an interview, speech and election process. Our student leaders represent the school at both school level and community events.